Episode 212: Yup, this rips.
(Restraining Order photo: @kaylaguilliams)
What’s up everyone? Be sure to check out this week’s episode on apple podcasts, spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Also, peep the playlist here.
Let’s get into it…
This week’s pod started off by chatting with Keith and Patrick from Restraining Order. Their newest LP is out now, and along with the previous one, they’ve now entered the hallowed halls of hardcore: bands who put out TWO great LP’s. We touched a bit on how I think they’re unjustly labeled as just being a “fast band” when their true magic is in the mid-tempo banger. Can’t wait til they make it to SD!
(Dead Heat photo: @gabethepigeon)
Dead Heat came on the pod to talk their new 12” on Triple-B. They put out their demo in 2016 and haven’t had a bad release yet. I think this is one of their best, along with that Summer ‘18 Promo, which is probably tops for me mostly due to nostalgia. Dead Heat rules and have been a critical band for Oxnard and the 805 - being the forefront band for the scene during it’s current wave, while never having an ego.

(Change/OMDB photos: @benformanphoto)
We kicked off the group sesh chatting about Indecision 30, which Dan and Chris both played. Then we jumped right into the tunes starting with Melbourne, Australia’s Split System, who put out one of my favorite LP’s of last year. They have a new tune out called “Alone Again” that totally rips and is one of their best songs. When they lay down those simple little guitar hooks, the band is untouchable.
Then we came back stateside to chat Chicago’s Subliminal Excess. They just put out a new 7” on 11PM Records, who have been on fire this year putting out a bunch of notable things. The Subliminal Excess is a killer 7” of no bullshit HC. 3 fast bois and one midtempo banger. Sick!
Back over the western pond to Australia again, this time Sydney, we talked J.O.Y. Their new 7” Fantasy is up for preorder (here/here), and just came out digitally. It’s a killer record that blends modern Gel/Spy-ish hardcore with ‘89 NYHC and flourishes of Venice.
I’ve been to Guadalajara a few times, even played there once (shoutout Rene!). I wish I saw Mess there though. They just put out a new LP Under Attack on Mendeku Diskak that bangs all the way though. My favorite part is the drumming - both the way the dude is a straight machine, and the way the drums are recorded. It’s a great backbone for a killer Oi! record.
The genre is having a great run right now, with a bunch of bands laying down their unique takes on it. To list a few off the top of my head: Syndrome 81, The Chisel, Rixe, Home Front, Bromure, Slugger, Reckless Upstarts, Concrete Elite, Violent Way, Crown Court, and the list goes on.
How can Sick of it All be one of the GOATs and also one of the most underrated bands during hardcore’s current zeitgeist? The pod has a ridiculous soft spot for youth crew, including the youth crew revival of the 90’s (or whatever you want to call it). I have my doubts that we’ll ever get that again since it died such an unceremonious death, but goddamnit, can we get a band that sounds like the Sick of it All 7”? I’ll buy 20 records if you can get it out by Christmas.
Anyway, Sick of it All put out an amazing debut 7” then bodied that with one of the greatest hardcore LP’s of all time: Blood, Sweat, & No Tears. We discussed which side is better - Side A or Side B?
Finally, we went OLD SCHOOL to discuss the Koro 7”. Shoutout to Sorry State for the recent repress, and most importantly, getting it on digital! This 7” rips and I’m glad its out there in the lexicon for newer hardcore kids to be able to discover. Now if Crucial Response could take notes and get their shit up, that would be great. Da fuq is up with one song per release? At least this ripper is on bandcamp:
Shoutout to you all for reading. If you want to support the podcast or these substack posts, handle bidness. Chat soon - peace!
- Zack